The Benefits of Sediment Control Measures (SCMs) or Retention Pond Cleaning and Maintenance

retention pond cleanout in progress

Retention ponds, also known as wet ponds or stormwater retention basins, are a type of sediment control measure (SCM) designed and built to manage stormwater runoff in developed areas. Over time, retention ponds can become less effective as they accumulate plant overgrowth and sediment.  Regularly scheduled pond maintenance – including cleanouts – help to ward off a variety of environmental, health, safety, and aesthetic issues that can negatively impact businesses, the community, and the environment.  Here are some of the benefits of proactive cleaning and maintenance of retention ponds:

Prolonging Pond Lifespan

Regular cleaning and maintenance help extend the lifespan of retention ponds by addressing problems caused by sedimentation, erosion, and pollution that makes its way into them over time.  Neglecting maintenance may shorten the lifespan of a pond and require substantial effort and expense to repair or replace it.

Preventing Sediment Buildup

Sediments like sand, soil, and organic matter accumulate over time in retention ponds, causing reduced storage capacity. Cleaning out the ponds helps to ensure that they can manage stormwater volumes as per their original design specifications.

Preventing Erosion

Sediment buildup can alter a retention pond’s shape and the flow of water into the pond, leading to erosion around the edges. Cleaning and maintenance help restore the pond's design and prevents further erosion.

Ensuring Proper Drainage

Retention ponds are part of stormwater management systems designed to prevent flooding by controlling the flow of excess water into the surrounding environment. A clogged or filled-in pond may not drain properly, which can lead to localized flooding.

Maintaining Water Quality

Retention ponds are designed to trap pollutants from stormwater runoff before they reach natural water bodies. If the pond is not cleaned regularly, pollutants can build up, leading to poor water quality and potential damage to local ecosystems.

Controlling Algae Growth

Excessive nutrient accumulation, especially from fertilizers and plant overgrowth, can lead to algae blooms in retention ponds. These blooms deplete oxygen in the pond water, harming aquatic life and creating an unsightly environment.  Cleaning the pond helps manage nutrient levels and reduces the potential for algae blooms to develop.

Supporting Aquatic Life

A well-maintained retention pond can support a healthy aquatic ecosystem. Cleaning out the pond can remove pollutants, harmful debris, and plant overgrowth that could harm fish, amphibians, and other wildlife.

Preventing Mosquito Breeding

Stagnant water, especially when combined with organic debris, can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Cleaning the pond reduces the risk of mosquito infestations and the dangers associated with mosquito-borne diseases.

Aesthetic and Recreational Value

Retention ponds can add aesthetic and recreational value in community parks and neighborhoods. Regular cleaning keeps them visually appealing and safe for activities like fishing or bird watching.

Regulatory Compliance

Many local governments and environmental agencies have regulations that detail expectations regarding the maintenance of retention ponds. Failure to clean and maintain a retention pond could result in fines or other penalties.

Spectrum Environmental Services is committed to helping our clients find sustainable solutions to their on-going operations that achieve corporate safety, environmental, and profitability objectives. If you currently manage one or more retention ponds, contact us today to learn more about how we can help with keeping them clean and functional for years to come!


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